Guide to cell type enrichment analysis in spatial expression dataset

Giotto implemented three algorithms for enrichment analysis of lower resolution of spatially expression datasets. It contains PAGE, RANK and hypergeometric. The aim of enrichment analysis is to use continuous values to represent the likelihood of the presence of a cell type of interest in specific spatial locations which may contain multiple cells.



The method uses Parametric Analysis of Gene Set Enrichment (PAGE) method to evaluate cell type enrichment for each spatial location. Signature genes of interested cell types are used for enrichment analysis. Enrichment score was calculated based on signature gene expression for spatial locations. P-value could also be calculated via permutation test.


The method uses a rank method to calculate enrichment score for interested cell types. Single cell expression matrix as well as cell type labels are used for rank analysis. Rather than PAGE, RANK does not need signature gene selection. Based on the gene expression pattern of single cell RNA-seq, RANK could evaluate the cell type presence of spatial locations. P-value could also be calculated via permutation test.


This method uses hypergeometric distribution test to evaluate cell type distribution of spatial locations based on signature genes of interested cell types. Enrichment score was calculated as -log10(p-value) of hypergeometric distribution test.


1. PAGE method

The makeSignMatrixPAGE function
makeSignMatrixPAGE = function(sign_names, sign_list) 

This function converts a list of signature genes (e.g. for cell types or processes) into a binary matrix format that can be used with the PAGE enrichment option. Each cell type or process should have a vector of cell-type or process specific genes. These vectors need to be combined into a list (sign_list). The names of the cell types or processes that are provided in the list need to be given (sign_names).


Signature matrix is a binary (0/1) matrix. Rows are genes. Columns are cell types.

Once the signature matrix is created. The next step is to run runPAGEEnrich function.

The runPAGEEnrich function
runPAGEEnrich <- function(gobject, sign_matrix, expression_values = c('normalized', 'scaled', 'custom'),reverse_log_scale = FALSE, logbase = 2, output_enrichment = c('original', 'zscore'), p_value = FALSE, n_times = 1000, name = NULL, return_gobject = TRUE)
param explanations
sign_matrix The scRNAseq cell type gene signature matrix generated from makeSignMatrixPAGE. It should be 0/1 signature matrix for each cell type.
expression_values=c('normalized', "raw", 'scaled', 'custom') The form of gene expression matrix to use for the spatial dataset. We recommend using the normalized form which is in log(normalized counts + 1)
reverse_log_scale=FALSE In regards to calculating the mean expression per gene across all spots, whether to apply logbaseexpr_values first. Applies only if expression_values="normalized". Recommend to set to FALSE.
logbase = 2 Used in conjunction with reverse_log_scale
p_value=TRUE and n_times P value could be calculated by setting p_value=TRUE using permutation test. n_times is the parameter for permutation test for p value calculation.

A data frame with the enrichment score with each spatial location and cell type. In addition, if p_value= TRUE was specified, another data frame with p-value could also reported.

2. RANK method

The makeSignMatrixRank function
makeSignMatrixRank <- function(sc_matrix, sc_cluster_ids,gobject = NULL, ties.method=c("random", "max"))

This function will make a rank-based cell type gene signature matrix based on the scRNAseq dataset. In this signature matrix, there are N vectors where N is number of cell types. For each cell type, the vector is a rank-list of genes according to some criterion (in this case, according to log2(mean_expr+1)-log2(av_expr+1) where mean_expr is the cell type expression average, av_expr is the all cells' expression average). Where two values are sharing the same rank and thus creating a tie, the ties.method is used to break ties.

The sc_matrix should be the gene expression matrix (in raw form). The sc_cluster_ids is the cluster annotation column. ties.method is tie breaking method for assigning ranks in case of ties.

rank_matrix=makeSignMatrixRank(sc_matrix=cere_rnaseq2@raw_exprs, sc_cluster_ids=pDataDT(cere_rnaseq2)$leiden, ties.method="random")

The next step is to call runRankEnrich() function.

The runRankEnrich function
runRankEnrich <- function(gobject,sign_matrix,expression_values = c('normalized', "raw", 'scaled', 'custom'), reverse_log_scale = FALSE, logbase = 2,output_enrichment = c('original', 'zscore'),ties.method = c("random", "max"),p_value = FALSE, n_times = 1000,name = NULL, return_gobject = TRUE, rbp_p = 0.99, num_agg=100 )
param explanations
sign_matrix The scRNAseq cell type gene signature matrix generated from makeSignMatrixRank
expression_values=c('normalized', "raw", 'scaled', 'custom') The form of gene expression matrix to use for the spatial dataset. We recommend using the normalized form which is in log(normalized counts + 1)
reverse_log_scale=FALSE In regards to calculating the mean expression per gene across all spots, whether to apply logbaseexpr_values first. Applies only if expression_values="normalized". Recommend to set to FALSE.
logbase = 2 Used in conjunction with reverse_log_scale
ties.method = c("random", "max") Breaking ties when ranking genes per spot. "random" means to assign ranks randomly among tied values. "max" means to assign the maximum rank. Recommend to set to "random"
rbp_p = 0.99 Local weighting on rank. Used when calculating an enrichment score per spot. Set to a value 0 - 1. Recommended range is 0.95 - 0.995. Lower means more emphasis to place on top rank. (Advanced setting)
num_agg=100 Number of top rank values to aggregate in computing enrichment score. Recommend to leave as default. (Advanced setting)
p_value=TRUE and n_times P value could be calculated by setting p_value=TRUE using permutation test. n_times is the parameter for permutation test for p value calculation.
Slide_test<-runRankEnrich(Slide_test, sign_matrix=rank_matrix, expression_values="norm", reverse_log_scale=F, logbase=2, output_enrichment="original", name="rank", rbp_p=0.99, num_agg=100, ties.method="random")

A data frame with the enrichment score with each spatial location and cell type. In addition, if p_value= TRUE was specified, another data frame with p-value could also reported.

3. The Hypergeometric method

createSpatialEnrich = function(gobject, enrich_method =  ' hypergeometric’, sign_matrix, p_value = FALSE, n_times = 1000 …)

The input is sign_matrix which is 0/1 signature matrix for each cell type. P value could be calculated by setting p_value=TRUE.


A data frame with the enrichment score with each spatial location and cell type. In addition, if p_value= TRUE was specified, another data frame with p-value could also reported.